jeudi 31 janvier 2008

1 commentaire:

nat a dit…

Hi Christopher,
more corrections below

Corrections: Freedom writers' diary

I would like to invite the ex Black top model who wrote a book about little girls in Africa who are beeing excised. I think she could show us how difficult her life was compared to ours when she was young.

It's important to discover the different kinds of people there are in this world. When the Freedom Writers read about Anne Frank, they realized she experienced racism during the world war II as well.

Stereotypes are dangerous because they are train people to hate each others and hate can lead to racism. People can do the same thing that the Freedom Writers did, read books about the subject or invite people to learn about their life experience . It's important for people to be nice to other people and to stop fighting.

The Freedom Writers are Latino, Black, Asian and Caucasian.

The hood is segregated. There is China Town, Tijuana Town, etc... The hood is not safe. The gangs are at war.

The students' parents have a bad role in their lives. They hurt their children, and they don't care about them.

The students say that Juvenile Hall is the worst thing that they experienced.

In diary 13, the writer refers to the book called Durango Street. Nous commençons a comprendre qu'il ne faut pas juger un livre par sa couverture.

The main problems the Freedom Writers' face are gang life, drugs and poverty.

In diary 6, the writer talks about a time when he was in a shop and he heard a gun and saw one of his friend die. I can't imagine how terrible it must be .

In diary 15, the student learnt that gangs kill other gang members is totaly stupid like the story about Romeo ans Juliet. can you work on that last paragraph again it is not really clear what you want to say.